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Ask The Pharmacist: Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP)

January 13, 2023

Cameron Hannum, Pharm.D.

Sr. Clinical Account Pharmacist


处方药监测程序(PDMPs)是电子数据库,旨在跟踪和监测受控物质的分配. These databases are run at the state level, 这些项目的主要目的是筛选可疑的药物转移(如.e.(非法使用药物,如出售处方药牟利)和滥用药物.

Access to each PDMP is determined by the individual state, 但它们通常可供医疗保健提供者和药剂师使用,作为审查患者受控药物历史的一种手段,而不管配药来源如何(例如.e., pharmacy, clinic, hospital) or form of payment (i.e., cash, insurance claim, etc.). Most states also allow federal, state, and local law enforcement access when needed for investigative purposes, 一些州项目由执法机构(加州)负责管理, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas). Patients may access their own information in most states, with other types of authorized users varying state-to-state. Six states (Arizona, Ohio, Montana, North Dakota, Utah, 包括工人薪酬专家作为PDMP数据的授权接收者.

处方数据由配药人员根据州规定以不同的间隔上传到数据库, with timelines ranging from “point of sale” (i.e., within five minutes) to daily, to every 72 hours, to weekly, to bi-weekly. 授权用户可以访问或查询pdmp,以检查患者的处方控制药物历史, 但各州也可以利用它们来分析总体趋势和关注领域, including inappropriate prescribing patterns. 许多州积极管理PDMP数据,当患者符合某些标准时,他们会主动向提供者和其他实体发送“主动报告”,以确定他们有被滥用的风险, misuse, or overdose.

As of December 2022, there are 54 operational PDMPs in the United States (49 states; St. Louis County Missouri; the District of Columbia; and three U.S. territories—Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico). Missouri is the last state to enact a PDMP. Furthering the efforts of state PDMPs, 全国药房委员会协会(NABP)为参与州处方监测计划的各州提供了一种跨州安全交换处方数据的方法. NABP和Appriss Health的PMP互连技术在2021年庆祝了其成立10周年,并促进了美国54个PMP中的52个的数据共享.S. 其领土上每月处理的州际交易超过4亿笔.

pdmp可以成为减轻风险和为处方决策提供信息以推动最佳实践的有用工具. 应鼓励正在考虑为其患者使用阿片类药物或其他受控物质药物的开处方者在开始阿片类药物治疗之前检查其州的PDMP,并在整个治疗过程中根据临床指南定期检查. 有关各州药品监管计划的更多信息可在各州网站以及国家示范州药品法律联盟(NAMSDL)和处方药监测计划培训和技术援助中心(PDMP TTAC)的网站上找到。.

This information is meant to serve as a general overview, 任何具体的问题或担忧都应该与你的医疗保健专业人员,如开处方的医生或配药的药剂师进行更全面的审查.

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